How to Troubleshoot ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS {8 Fixes} (2024)


Redirection is the forwarding of one URL to another URL. Redirects are useful when moving content from one page to another or changing a website's permalink structure.

The ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS error occurs when the browser is redirected to a different URL, which in turn points back to the original one, creating a redirection loop. There are several possible reasons for the error and several available fixes.

In this tutorial, you will learn what causes the ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS error and how to fix it.

How to Troubleshoot ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS {8 Fixes} (1)

What Does "Too Many Redirects" Mean?

The ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS error indicates that the browser is stuck in an infinite redirection loop. An infinite redirection loop happens when you visit a URL pointing to another URL, which points back to the first one.

After several redirects, the browser breaks the redirection loop and displays the "too many redirects" error message. Different browsers warn users about the error in different ways. Most browsers display a "too many redirects" warning and suggest how to fix the error.

Below are several variations of the error, depending on the browser:

Too Many Redirects Chrome

Google Chrome states that the page isn't working and suggests clearing the cookies might help.

How to Troubleshoot ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS {8 Fixes} (2)

Too Many Redirects Firefox

Firefox explains that the page isn't redirecting properly and states that cookies might be causing the issue.

How to Troubleshoot ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS {8 Fixes} (3)

Too Many Redirects Safari

Safari explains it cannot open the page because of too many redirects.

How to Troubleshoot ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS {8 Fixes} (4)

Too Many Redirects Edge

Microsoft Edge states that the domain redirected you too many times and suggests clearing the cookies to fix the issue.

How to Troubleshoot ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS {8 Fixes} (5)

Most browsers suggest that cookies might be the reason for the ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS error. The following section explains this and other possible causes for the error.

err_too_many_redirects Causes

There are several possible triggers for the redirection loop. The following list includes the most common causes of a redirection loop in a WordPress website:

  • Issues with the browser's cache/cookies. The browser may be caching faulty data that leads to the redirection error.
  • The browser extensions. Sometimes a browser extension can cause a redirection error.
  • The website's URL. A misconfiguration in URL settings can cause the redirection error.
  • WordPress cache. The website cache could be causing a redirect loop.
  • SSL certificate. A misconfigured security protocol (SSL certificate) can cause a redirect loop.
  • Third-party services and plugins. A faulty WordPress plugin could be causing the redirection loop.
  • The site's .htaccess file. A user-level configuration file WordPress uses to rewrite URLs to the index.php file. The website URL is defined as a value in the database.

How to Fix Too Many Redirects - Troubleshooting

Before fixing the "too many redirects error," ensure that the page is down for everyone, not just for you. Many online free tools identify redirect loops. Some of the tools are:

The solution to the "too many redirects" error depends on whether you own the website in question or not. If you don't own the website, follow our instructions below to clear browser cookies and cache, or try accessing the site in incognito mode.

If you are the website owner and get a "too many redirects" error, further actions are available to fix the site's redirection loop.

Clear Cookies and Cache on Your Browser

Clearing the browser cache and cookies is a quick and straightforward solution worth trying before diving into more complicated troubleshooting.

Clear Cache and Cookies in Chrome

Follow the steps below to clear the cache and cookies on a Chrome browser:

1. In Chrome, press Ctrl + Shift + Delete to open the Clear browsing data window.

2. In the Time range dropdown menu, select All time.

How to Troubleshoot ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS {8 Fixes} (6)

3. Check the following boxes:

  • Cookies and other site data.
  • Cached images and files.

Uncheck any other boxes.

4. Click the Clear data button to clear the cache.

How to Troubleshoot ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS {8 Fixes} (7)

5. Revisit the webpage to see if the error is gone.

Clear Cache and Cookies in Firefox

Follow the steps below to clear the cache and cookies on a Firefox browser:

1. In Firefox, press Ctrl + Shift + Delete to open the Clear Recent History window in Firefox.

2. In the Time range to clear dropdown menu, select Everything.

3. Check the following boxes:

  • Cookies.
  • Cache.

Uncheck any other boxes.

4. Click the OK button to clear the cache and cookies.

How to Troubleshoot ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS {8 Fixes} (9)

5. Revisit the webpage to see if the error is gone.

Clear Cache and Cookies in Edge

Follow the steps below to clear the cache and cookies on a Microsoft Edge browser:

1. In Edge, press Ctrl + Shift + Delete to open the Clear browsing data window.

2. In the Time range dropdown menu, select All time.

How to Troubleshoot ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS {8 Fixes} (10)

3. Check the following boxes:

  • Cookies and other site data.
  • Cached images and files.

Uncheck any other boxes.

4. Click the Clear now button to clear the cache and cookies and revisit the webpage to see if the error is gone.

How to Troubleshoot ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS {8 Fixes} (11)

Clear Cache and Cookies in Safari

Follow the steps below to clear the cache and cookies on a Safari browser:

1. In Safari, press CMD + , to open the Preferences window.

2. In the Privacy tab, click the Manage Website Data button.

How to Troubleshoot ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS {8 Fixes} (12)

3. In the popup window, click the Remove All button to delete all cache and cookies data. Alternatively, find only the cache and cookie data for the website displaying the error and click Remove.

How to Troubleshoot ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS {8 Fixes} (13)

4. Click Done and revisit the webpage to see if the error is gone.

Note: Learn how to properly implement a PHP redirect.

Check Website in Incognito Without Extensions

Ensure that the extensions the browser is using aren't causing the error by visiting the website in incognito mode (private browsing). Follow the steps below to enter incognito mode on different browsers:

Incognito Browsing with Chrome

1. Open the Chrome browser and press Ctrl + Shift + N to open a new Incognito instance without browser extensions.

How to Troubleshoot ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS {8 Fixes} (14)

2. Visit the website to see if the "too many redirects" error is gone.

InPrivate Browsing with Edge

1. Open Microsoft Edge and press Ctrl + Shift + N to open a new InPrivate instance without extensions.

How to Troubleshoot ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS {8 Fixes} (15)

2. Visit the website to see if the "too many redirects" error is gone.

Private Browsing with Firefox

1. Open Firefox and press Ctrl + Shift + P to start a new Private instance.

How to Troubleshoot ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS {8 Fixes} (16)

2. Visit the website to see if the "too many redirects" error is gone.

Private Browsing with Safari

1. Open a Private window in Safari by pressing CMD + Shift + N.

How to Troubleshoot ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS {8 Fixes} (17)

2. Visit the website to see if the "too many redirects" error is gone.

Clear Website Cache

If you own the site that's stuck in a redirect loop and the steps above don't help, try clearing the cache and cookies in WordPress. Access the WordPress admin dashboard and clear the cache using the caching plugins you have installed.

Note: If you cannot access your WP dashboard, use an FTP client such as FileZilla and empty the contents of the wp-content/cache directory to clear the website cache.

Some of the most popular caching plugins that speed up a WordPress site are WP Rocket and W3 Total Cache. Follow the steps below to clear the cache in the two plugins:

WP Rocket

1. Navigate to the WordPress Admin Dashboard.

2. Hover over Settings and click WP Rocket.

How to Troubleshoot ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS {8 Fixes} (18)

3. Under Quick Actions, find the Remove all cached files section and click CLEAR CACHE.

How to Troubleshoot ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS {8 Fixes} (19)

W3 Total Cache

1. Navigate to the WordPress Admin Dashboard.

2. Hover over Performance and click Dashboard.

3. Click Empty All Caches to delete the website cache.

How to Troubleshoot ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS {8 Fixes} (20)

Note: If you are using a different caching plugin, try Googling for instructions on deleting cache from that specific plugin.

Clear Server Cache

If the steps above didn't resolve the "too many redirects" error, perhaps the issue is incorrect or outdated cache on the server-side.

Note: Read our tutorial to learn to .

If you can't access the WordPress Admin Dashboard, the solution is to use the control panel tools of your WordPress host to clear the cache on the website. Clearing the server cache depends on the hosting provider.

Most WordPress hosts offer one-click solutions for clearing the server cache, so contact your hosting provider for further instructions.

Check All Website Versions

The "too many redirects" error can result from improper WordPress site settings. For example, if the home URL and website URL don't match, the visitors get stuck in a redirect loop. The two fields can get changed when migrating hosts or changing domains.

To fix mismatched URLs, ensure that both URL fields are set correctly. Follow the steps below:

1. Navigate to the WordPress Admin Dashboard.

2. Click the Settings option and locate the fields labeled WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL).

How to Troubleshoot ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS {8 Fixes} (21)

3. Make sure that the two fields are identical, set correctly, and not pointing at a wrong domain. This includes both www, http, and https prefixes.

Note: A common mistake is that the URL fields don't contain the same prefix as the rest of the site. Make sure to use the correct prefix, www or no www. Also, check for any whitespaces at the URL's beginning or end.

If the redirect loop denies you access to the WordPress Admin Dashboard, use an FTP client (such as FileZilla) to edit the wp-config.php file and define the URL values manually.

Follow the steps below to edit the wp-config.php file:

Warning: Be careful when modifying the wp-config.php file as it contains information WordPress uses to connect to the database. Always make a backup before saving any changes.

1. In FileZilla or a different FTP client, navigate to public_html directory and look for the wp-config.php file.

2. Right-click the file and select Edit.

3. In the file, add the following lines above the /* That's all, stop editing! Happy publishing. */ line:


For, enter your site address.

How to Troubleshoot ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS {8 Fixes} (22)

4. Save the modified file and upload it to the website.

5. Reload the site to check if the problem has been solved.

Check SSL

While acquiring an SSL certificate is a smart move that keeps your site secure, not configuring it properly can cause a redirect loop. Using a redirect mapper tool, determine if the HTTPS settings are causing the redirect error.

Note: Learn the difference between TLS and SSL.

The tool is similar to the redirect check tools, but it only shows results for www to non-www redirects and http to https redirects. If there are multiple redirects listed between the http and https versions of the site, it might be the source of the redirect loop.

Change the security protocol back to its default settings and refresh the website. If the error message is still there, try resetting the SSL certificate altogether.

Note: Learn more about how SSL certificates work.

Check Plugins

Search for any plugin conflicts on the website. This issue occurs when the code from two plugins, a plugin and a theme, or a plugin and the WordPress core interfere with each other. Start by disabling all the plugins to see if the error message goes away.

Disable the active plugins via the WordPress Admin Dashboard. Follow the steps below:

1. Log in to the WordPress Admin Dashboard.

2. ClickPluginsand selectInstalled Plugins.

3. Check the Select All box to select all plugins.

How to Troubleshoot ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS {8 Fixes} (23)

4. Choose Deactivate from the Bulk actions dropdown menu and clickApply.

How to Troubleshoot ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS {8 Fixes} (24)

If you can't access the WordPress Admin Dashboard, use an FTP client to disable them. Disable the plugins by renaming the wp-content/plugin directory (e.g., to plugins backup).

If the plugins aren't causing the "too many redirects" error, follow the steps above to reactivate them.

Check Server Config Files

If the redirect error persists, the last option is to check if the server configuration files are causing the error.


The .htaccess file has a significant role in controlling page redirects, so an issue with the file can cause problems with site loading. If the .htaccess file contains redirects, it could conflict with a code or database configuration, or addresses could be pointing back to one another.

Warning: Take caution when editing the .htaccess file as its configurations affect the web server's behavior. The file is usually hidden as a precaution, but you can find it in the public_html directory by checking the FTP client's Show Hidden Files option. Always make a backup before editing the file. Check out our article on mod_rewrite to learn more.

Follow our tutorial to edit or create a new .htaccess file on WordPress, or set up the .htaccess file on Apache.

If creating a new .htaccess file hasn't solved the redirection error, restore the backup file and try the last fix.

Nginx Config

If your website uses Nginx, the the nginx.conf file contains any redirects and the directives that define how the site runs.

The general syntax for redirecting http to https in the nginx.conf file is:

server { listen 80; server_name; return 301 https://$server_name$request_uri; }

For and, enter your site address. The previous server block should define the $server_name variable. Ensure that the redirects are properly set and that they match the rest of the site.

Note: The nginx.conf file can vary depending on the hosting provider. If the settings are different in your configuration file, we recommend reaching out to your host. They can check the file for any misconfigurations that might be causing a redirect loop on the website.


After following the steps outlined in this guide, you should have successfully resolved the ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS error on your website. Next, read up on 403 Forbidden errors and how to fix them, learn to resolve the "Temporary failure in name resolution" error, or fix the 500 Internal Server Error in WordPress.

How to Troubleshoot ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS {8 Fixes} (2024)


How to solve this error err_too_many_redirects? ›

How to Fix Too Many Redirects: 10 Solutions
  1. Clear Your Browser Cache and Cookies. ...
  2. Clear Your Site Cache. ...
  3. Clear Your Server Cache. ...
  4. Clear Your CDN Cache. ...
  5. Check Your Existing Redirects. ...
  6. Reset Your . ...
  7. Check Your URL Settings. ...
  8. Disable Plugins.
Jun 3, 2024

How to fix err_too_many_redirects on your WordPress site? ›

What Is the ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS Error and How to Fix It in WordPress
  1. Clear Browser Data.
  2. Verify the WordPress URL Settings.
  3. Deleting WordPress Cache.
  4. Deactivate and Test WordPress Plugins and Themes.
  5. Verifying the .htaccess File and Server Configuration.
  6. Check Your HTTPS Settings.
  7. Inspect Your CDN Configuration.
Jun 5, 2024

How do you troubleshoot redirects? ›

See if the following steps will fix your issue.
  1. Check your browser settings. Make sure that your browser is not configured to redirect pages. ...
  2. Check your extensions. Some extensions can cause unwanted redirects. ...
  3. Scan your computer for malware. ...
  4. Contact the website you're trying to visit.
Mar 29, 2023

How do I get rid of too many redirects in Chrome? ›

How To Fix Too Many Redirects
  1. Clear cookies on the redirecting website.
  2. Clear your browser cache.
  3. Ensure your SSL certificate is installed correctly.
  4. Evaluate your third-party services and plugins.
  5. Reset your htaccess file.
  6. Contact your hosting provider.
Apr 3, 2024

How do I flush redirects in Chrome? ›

Open the Chrome Developer Tools (F12) Go to the Network tab and make sure Disable cache is ticked Reload (or navigate to) the page you no longer want to be redirected while keeping the dev tools open. This will clear the cached redirect. If it's an 301 redirect Chrome will cache it.

How do I get rid of redirects in Chrome? ›

Change your default pop-ups & redirects settings
  1. On your computer, open Chrome.
  2. At the top right, click More. Settings.
  3. Click Privacy and security Site Settings. Pop-ups and redirects.
  4. Choose the option that you want as your default setting.

Why wont my website open too many redirects? ›

The “Too many redirects” error message, also known as a redirect loop, appears on your website when the browser has failed to load any content due to a large number of redirects that followed. To fix the redirect loop, you need to address the conflict that exists in the redirection path.

How do I fix a website error? ›

Here are 10 ways to troubleshoot a website that is not loading correctly:
  1. Check if the Site Is Down Only for You. ...
  2. Check the Network Connection. ...
  3. Use Another Device. ...
  4. Look For Error Messages in the Browser. ...
  5. Try a Different Browser. ...
  6. Examine DNS Records. ...
  7. Check the Error Logs. ...
  8. Use Developer Tools.

How do I make my WordPress site more responsive? ›

How To Make A WordPress Site More Responsive
  1. Choose A Responsive WordPress Theme.
  2. Use Responsive Images.
  3. Other Design Elements To Make A WordPress Website Responsive.
  4. Become Mobile Friendly.
  5. Explore Plugins.
  6. Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN)
  7. Troubleshooting Common Responsive WordPress Design Issues.
  8. Final Checks.

How do I fix a broken redirect? ›

Once you have a list of internal redirects on your website, this is how to fix redirecting link issues:
  1. Make a list of all the broken redirects on your website.
  2. Remove all the redirects that point to 404 Not Found pages.
  3. Replace the broken redirects with new redirects that will take the user to relevant and valid pages.

How do I fix avoid URL redirects? ›

Fix your redirects

As stated above, you should remove any redirect which isn't absolutely necessary. The ones which are necessary should always be server side(301 or 302 redirects) and never client side(HTML, Javascript, etc..). So when your website uses client side redirects replace them with server side redirects.

How do I fix failed redirect error? ›

Here are some tips for fixing redirect errors:
  1. Check your redirect URLs: Make sure that all of your redirect URLs are correct and accessible.
  2. Fix redirect chains: If you have any redirect chains that are too long, try to shorten them.
  3. Fix redirect loops: If you have any redirect loops, remove them.
Sep 30, 2023

How to fix err_too_many_redirects? ›

  1. Delete Cookies on That Specific Site.
  2. Clear Server, Proxy, and Browser Cache.
  3. Determine Nature of the Redirect Loop.
  4. Check Your HTTPS Settings.
  5. Check Third-Party Services.
  6. Check Your WordPress Site Settings.
  7. Temporarily Disable WordPress Plugins.
  8. Check Redirects on Your Server.
Jan 12, 2018

How do I stop annoying redirects? ›

On Chrome, click "⋮" → "Settings" → "Privacy and Security" → "Site settings" → "Pop-ups and redirects". Make sure it's toggled on. On Firefox, you'll need to edit about:config to block page redirects. On Microsoft Edge, click "•••" → "Settings" → "Cookies and site permissions" → "Pop-ups and redirects".

How do I reset Chrome redirects? ›

To do this, open Chrome and click the three dots in the top right corner of the window. Select "Settings" and then scroll down to the bottom of the page. Click "Advanced" and then click "Reset and clean up." Under "Reset settings," click "Restore settings to their original defaults."

How do I remove a connection error from Google Chrome? ›

If that didn't work...
  1. Step 1: Check your internet connection. Make sure your computer's connected to Wi-Fi or a wired network. ...
  2. Step 2: Clear your cache. Chrome might have information stored that's stopping the page from loading.
  3. Step 3: Close other tabs, extensions, & apps.

What is 400 error on Chrome only? ›

Clear Browser Cache and Cookies

Clearing the browser cache and cookies can solve many issues, including the 400 Bad Request error. The browser cache stores data files like texts and images locally on the client's side. It helps reduce server requests to speed up page loading.

How do I fix too many redirects error in Safari? ›

  1. From the menu bar in Safari, choose Safari > Preferences, then click Privacy.
  2. Click Manage Website Data.
  3. Use the Search field to find the name of the redirecting website, then select the website and click Remove. ...
  4. Click Done, then close Safari preferences.
May 9, 2023


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